I read the most amazing news story this morning. France up and dissolved the government and started over again. No civil war, no rhetoric, no Mike Wallace. Seems the socialist government didn't make any money last year so the prime minister just said, "Ok, we quit. Y'all do something else," but of course he said it in French.
I pointed something out last week, but it just flew by. Back in 1861-65 Abraham Lincoln instituted the civil war, and 680,000 deaths later he "preserved" the union while beating up half of it. I pointed out that concerning slavery England just passed a law. Of course for his mighty effort Lincoln got his brains blown out, and his secretary of war (who looked like ZZ Top) uttered those immortal words, "Now, he belongs to the ages!" Thank GOD!
It is astounding that the constitution, a document of utter simplicity, could be so perverted in just over two hundred years. A simple foundation of how a government, any government should act became so complicated that it takes constitutional lawyers, and of course seven judges to explain it all to the rest of us as to what it really means. The founding fathers clearly separated in their minds the difference between the country and government. The country is the people, the land, the economy while the government is whomEVER is at the state house voting on matters that concern all of us.GENERAL matters, NOT what we say, do or think! It doesn't matter if that government is democrat, republican, or an Apache tribal council so long as it adheres to the basic rule which is the constitution. How simple is that?
When a public official takes an oath of office he or she swears that they will, "Preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States," no matter WHAT philosophy they may subscribe to. They can be an out and out socialist so long as they support the rules laid down by that original document. For that matter, Barak Obama IS and out and out socialist who doesn't have the integrity of the now unemployed French Prime minister.
Think of of it this way. If tomorrow morning the entire American government stepped down, or at least the present administration, what would happen? Well, the speaker of the house would take the reins and the congress would just figure it out. That's all. Dare say we just may discover that we don't NEED some ego-maniac in the White House pursuing his pipe dream of Utopia. Just have a congress elected by the people and the lead dog gets to slam that big hammer down whenever everyone needs to get back in their seats. Kinda like elementary school.
Of course there would be some changes. For one we would need a declaration of war before we made war. We wouldn't have to sift through dozens of executive orders because some guy in the White House got his shorts in a knot, and we wouldn't have to listen to his wife's opinion on ANYTHING! Kinda like a democracy. We would probably pull all our troops back and position them along OUR borders, which is where they're SUPPOSED to be in the first place, and those little religious groups over THERE would just have to fight it out, and may the best man win. Just don't bring that mess over HERE!
The AMERICAN congress would worry about making it easier for AMERICAN business to DO business instead of allocating billions to some make believe country that was prefabricated and designed to rile up the natives, and the police would be directing traffic instead of shooting kids down for jay walking. WOW! What a country! And whatEVER that congress did would have to follow the basic rules put down by that simple ol' constitution. The Congress wouldn't worry about gun control because the constitution says, "Hands off," and the local sheriff would handle the rest. (Just like that wild west you liberals keep talking about!)
Of course we'd have national corporations trying to make money hand over fist and there would have to be people going to work so these companies survive, but you have to take the good with the bad. IF some ideology decides to come over here and blow up a couple of our buildings then the congress would meet, and vote, declare that we need to make a war on these cowards (tip of the hat to chief Dan George) and we would sent an army over to blow up their COUNTRY, and then we'd just come home and leave them to clean up the mess. Maybe put a monument in front of the Pentagon saying, "Do you want some of this?" If any country wants to run their country under some code of ethics that's just plain WEIRD then they won't be seeing any American tourists buying rugs there because we have Hawaii, and THOSE girls don't wear BURQUAS!
Now this is all fantasy. We all know you can't run a nation on simplicity and common sense. God forbid if we all got up this morning and the biggest thing on our minds was a church drive to get items out to California to aid AMERICANS who just suffered the worse earthquake in twenty-five YEARS. And taking some of that surplus money we no longer send to other countries to buy bullets to shoot back at us, and put into a real national health system, oh no, that would never work, but wouldn't it be loverly?
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