Do you think the events in Ferguson were a spur of a moment, one time only thing? A doctor once told me when I went to see him for a back ache that the problem had started some time before. The pain was just reflective of a long existing issue that finally boiled over. So it is with Ferguson. So it is with most of America.
If St Louis had jobs galore, ready housing, good hospitals, and opportunity, do you think Michael Brown would have been prowling the streets with a pocket full of stolen cigars? What created the low slung Hip Hop generation? It was created by the fall of an empire. When the Apostle Paul was doing his ministry he walked from Israel to Rome and was not robbed. Four hundred years later a senator couldn't cross the street in Rome with reasonable safety. That's what happens when empires fall.
"But America is not an empire," you say. The HELL it isn't. When you dispatch armies to get involved in other people's wars solely for economic gain and then STAY...that makes you an empire. And why do empires fall? They fall because people in the far reaches of said empire don't give a donkey kong about origins or core beliefs of the empire. They're just along for the ride. And when the empires resources are stretched to the breaking point from trying to support imperialism the home front invariably falls short. We're worried to death about some bunch of camel jockeys in Bangstupidstan and tanks are roaming our streets.
If you're waiting on a war and the dissolving of America well wait no longer cause here it is, I said heeeere it is! The country was built on enterprise. It was constructed on the premise that if you cast your bread upon the waters you just might get a sandwich out of it, and many did. At some point however, half the population decided to take a break, and de walls come a tumblin' down.
So, America is lost. Suck it up. Now here comes the good part. I TOLD you months ago these Nortés were going to step on their pee pees! Ferguson isn't unique. Just wait until East LA gets into the act. Now them brothers know how to riot, I'll tell you. How about Harlem, South Chicago...DETROIT? But guess what? I'll give you a dollar to a do-nut Dallas will still be there. As will Houston, and Austin, and San Antonio, and Ding Dong because we don't play that crap in Texas! We WANT a bunch of idiots to hit the streets just so we can show you how it's done, and the sweet part is that by that time America will be a blazing ruin and the Republic of Texas will rise from the ashes! (You swatting them bees yet?)
"Oh Wilbur, you're so harsh!" You are burning down your cities because one guy got shot, FOOL! Those people don't give a flip about Michael Brown. The problem is just like that back ache I told you about. Pent up rage at a failed system and no way out!
Texas is an armed society with a history of using those arms. We LIKE to shoot people. I told you we're crazy, didn't I? But, an armed society is a polite society. Sam Colt really DID make everyone equal. Texas will secede simply because America in a state of collapse will not be able to stop it. We have most everything we need and what we don't have we'll just figure out. If we can't get biscuits we'll just eat corn bread. We got lots of that. We make our own whiskey too, and the next time you take medication just take a look at where it came from. Like that Dell computer, do ya?
It's coming folks, and I'm not Alex Jones, although he was right. When the fires go out in Ferguson they'll just start somewhere else, and another, then another and another. And only after the last factory closes or moves to Texas, after the last city goes out of the public water business, after the last police station closes down because it's just too damn DANGEROUS to patrol the streets any more ...only then will the Nortés finally understand that you simply cannot eat money!
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